Miscellaneous Adulting

Welcome to the page where we try to break down basics in a wide range of subjects to make your life a little easier. Taking the first step into the unknown can be nerve wrecking, but so rewarding. There’s a lot of stuff you aren’t taught by parents or schools that would make your life a lot easier and lot more interesting. This is our ever-growing compellation of learning how to Adult!


Autumn Decorating on a Budget

When I got my first apartment, the first thing I wanted to do was decorate it for every season just like I’d seen in different shows, Youtube videos, and Pinterest boards growing up. I had no idea the giant cost that it would entail and as a student I didn't even have the budget to buy into it. In my mind, a few throw pillows and random pumpkin/leaf things would be easy and affordable. Nope, not at all the case. So we started to figure out how to get around the struggle of seasonal decorating while having 1) not very much storage and 2) not having a large budget.

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