Miscellaneous Adulting
Welcome to the page where we try to break down basics in a wide range of subjects to make your life a little easier. Taking the first step into the unknown can be nerve wrecking, but so rewarding. There’s a lot of stuff you aren’t taught by parents or schools that would make your life a lot easier and lot more interesting. This is our ever-growing compellation of learning how to Adult!
Finding a New Doctor in a New City
Throughout the years both my partner and I have learned how to make our lives a little easier when it comes to finding new primary care providers or new specialty providers. Finding care shouldn’t be difficult, so we’ve compiles our top tips and tricks for getting help and navigating health care!
Beginner’s Guide to Apartment Hunting
Finding a new apartment, especially for the first time, can be a daunting task. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the things we wished we’d known when we were house hunting the first time! This breaks down all the big stuff into to bite sized pieces, along with our Apartment Checklist to help you know what you’re looking for during any tours you might be taking.